SOLD. Angel Wing Climber/Studs no.2

Fine silver, sterling silver
2.2cm x 0.7cm

A pair of fine silver angel wing ear climbers/crawlers/creepers that can also be worn as studs, they are one of a kind. They are carved from fine silver metal clay, the post is sterling silver and the butterfly back is also sterling silver. If you haven't come across metal clay before it is fine particles of metal mixed into a binder and it can be sculpted or carved, textured and lots more bedsides, it is then fired and the binder burns away and the metal particles fuse together to form a metal piece, in this case angel wings!
The earrings are 2.2cm long (just over 3/4 of an inch) and 0.7cm wide (1/4 inch).
Please NOTE the bust is not quite life sized so the earrings will look a little smaller on a real human head!
ALL of my items are gift wrapped!

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